sexta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2010 11:51
Ela fechava a porta, ligava o chuveiro e pensava... Enquanto a água do chuveiro caia simultaneamente com suas lágrimas. Sentada, ela observava o destino de suas lágrimas se cruzando com o da água, o mesmo destino... Um destino de nunca mais voltar.
Certo dia, como era de rotina, ela fechou a porta do banheiro e sentiu a vontade de chorar, e as lágrimas não saiam.. Tentou ligar o chuveiro e também nada. Ela sentiu um nó na garganta, e pensou: "Cadê minhas lágrimas e a água?". Depois de alguns minutos ela tomou consciência, de que ela tinha acabado com todas suas lágrimas e a água, tudo em vão.

E a água e as lágrimas não voltariam jamais......

Desculpem-me sumir, mas voltei com o blog tudo novo... Quero desejar boas festas, bom Natal e Feliz Ano novo para todos!
Copie de qualquer lugar, só pra teste
Because when it doesn't matter anymore and with much insistence, you don't care anymore and you'll just go ahead with whatever. Yes, I'll regret this in time to come but what can I do. This is for 2 years but she'll be there forever. As much as I don't like it, what am I to do? The deed is done and all I can do is to wait until results come out on the 27th. I'll just let the higher beings above do the job. If I'm meant to be there then so be it, I can't change my fate. But for now, I'm hoping and praying that I won't regret this.

I'm just wishing somehow everything can fall into place without me making any decisions. I should have just let her do all the thinking, maybe I won't end up so miserable. Maybe if I just stayed at home and not gone to any open houses, I would have accepted the fact that maybe that school is better. Maybe if I hadn't asked any questions, I would just accept it. But now after all that, I can hardly accept it. If on the 27th I receive the sms that I got in, then I'll just accept it.

I don't want to care anymore.
I wanted to get it over and done with to get the big boulder off, but after doing it, I feel that it has just gotten worse. Maybe I won't be able to sleep peacefully tonight, maybe I'll hate myself in the future of being too obedient. But maybe I'll find out that I might like it there after all. I don't know. Today has been too horrible.

On the other hand, thank you all for being supportive all the way.
And for future reference, here are my first four choices :
sexta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2009 06:37
quarta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2009 07:31

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